Thursday, December 6, 2012


See the bananas growing from the flower?


  • Think and plan ahead
  • Get your assets liquid
  • Live well, but simply
  • Read, research and be well-informed
  • Consciously enjoy life and those around you - LAUGH!

Spent the afternoon today with an entrepreneur - creative, very intelligent, informed and fiercely independent!  Our visit lasted almost 3 hours and most of the time, we just listened.  The reason for our visit was to tour his hydroponics farm - they grow several different kinds of lettuce, tomatoes, herbs, but the majority of the time we discussed how important it is to be personally responsible and prepared to take care of yourself and your family.  If there was a major emergency in your world, how would you have clean water, food to eat and how would you respond to medical needs.  If the government is shut down for a while and the grocery store shelves go bare - what to do?  No doom and gloom here, but a major reality check.  Survival course sort of.


It is a closed water system, so very water-efficient.  They use all natural methods to fend off critters that like to eat produce. Primarily they use other plants and neem oil.  Sunflowers, for instance, are a natural deterrent for white flies.  He also gave us quite a lecture on GMO's - genetically modified foods and the hazards he thinks they pose to human health.  I'll have to look into that one.

The Girls

Neem oil is a vegetable oil pressed from the fruits and seeds of the neem.  It's an evergreen tree which is grown in the tropics, including Panama, but hails originally from the Indian subcontinent.  Although in researching, found that it has many uses and can be taken orally by humans, supposed to have an extremely nasty taste!

Neem oil has many different uses and benefits...
  • A natural insect repellent
  • A safe pesticide
  • A fertilizer
  • A skin care ingredient
  • A contraceptive
  • A medicine with hundreds of different uses...
Farmers here are still allowed to use insecticides that were banned long ago in the U.S. so I have been on the hunt for veggies grown without said chemicals.  

Our host also grows his own bananas, oranges and has a chicken coop full of beautiful, noisy layers.  
Hydroponic Lettuce

BANANAS:  FOOD AND FODDER:  Though the banana plant very much resembles a palm tree, it's actually considered a perennial herb. Who knew?  

  • It dies back after each fruiting and produces new growth for the next generation of fruit. The old foliage is removed and makes excellent fodder :  for chickens - they love it!  
  • The fruit grows all over Boquete - a little smaller than the bananas you'll see at the market in the U.S. and SOOOOOO sweet.  
  • No wonder, when they're ripe they contain 66% Sucrose, 14% Fructose and 20% Glucose - yup, almost all sugar.  
  • They are harvested while they're still green because apparently, the ripening process doesn't begin in earnest till they're harvested. 


Speaking of sweets - the Stevia Plant
This was the first time, I'd tasted Stevia.  I've seen it in the grocery store - think it comes as a liquid, but the leaves straight from the plant taste very sweet.  Not a chemical, can use just like sugar.  I'll have to try this one.  Again, sugar is something I'd really like to have be a minor part of my diet.  Coffee and red wine - GOOD FOR YOU!  Fat (excluding olive oil of course) and Sugar - BAD FOR YOU.

CHICKENS:  At the end of our time together, our host gave us a tour of his beautiful chickens.  They are very fond of banana leaves and him!  They are all layers and usually are good producers for several years before they take a long ride to become something else.....

I can attest that while they are at his farm, they have a healthy, free and happy life.

TOOKIE:  Our host has a pet toucan that he raised from a chick.  Favorite past time was flying within inches of my ears.  So fun to see him close up.  Crazy creature and so colorful.  


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