Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Christmas Movie Question:  

How is your wife? I have been extra good this year, so I have a long list of presents that I want.    Please note the size and color of each item and send AS MANY as possible!" This is a line from which holiday classic?

Geoffrey Tamarin Monkeys
I am a major romantic at heart, so I have to set the stage describing where I am now writing this blog. You know that the U.S.took over the building of the Panama Canal during the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt.  It was finished in 1914 and the first U.S. steamer made it's way from the Atlantic to the Pacific via the canal on August 15th of that year.  The U.S.  managed the canal until the end of the 20th century, 1999 to be exact. At that time,  it was handed back to the Panamanian people.  

The B&B we are staying is remodeled military housing from the 1940's/50's era - La Estancia in Cerro Ancon.  The housing looks like something out of Casa Blanca and this must have been a pretty sweet posting back then.  Mind you, there was no air conditioning, so it was hot, but according to what I've read there was a lot of golf, BBQ's and socializing among the Americans - good schools too.  Not so romantic for the Panamanians who were not living in the same style, but need to add that it was for many reasons - not just the U.S. presence.  

Today, it is very hot and steamy in Panama City and pouring tropical buckets full of rain.  Right off our balcony are Geoffrey Tamarin monkeys gorging themselves on bananas - the pouring rain did not deter them in the least.  Two of them are pictured above.  Colorful birds of every variety as well.  Not a bird watcher, so have nothing intelligent to say beyond that.  

Central Park, Boquete Panama
We arrived in Panama on September 18th and will be flying home for Christmas day after tomorrow on December 19th.  The first 3 months flew by.  Just a few weeks after arriving, we arrived in Boquete in Chiriqui Province with absolutely no idea that we would want to make that our home.  We have been there ever since.  As we were driving to Panama City today, I was considering how I feel about Panama now after our first three months.

  • Love the community of Boquete.  It is really a community with lots of shops, grocery stores, restaurants, churches, clubs and activities.  It is one of the most picturesque places I have ever lived.  It is unspoiled, safe and sweet.
  • The local people are kind and welcoming. I have learned a lot of Spanish and have Panamanian neighbors who spend time talking with me and laughing together as I try to speak Spanish and they try to speak English.  Learning new things every day and it is so much fun. 
  • Admire the Panamanians.  They live life at a much slower pace, which can drive you NUTS if you let it, but if you have the expectation that it is going to take a while, you can enjoy it.  EVENTUALLY, it all gets done and I definitely get the impression that no one worries about their job after office hours are over!!!
  • My stress level has gone down significantly.  Mind you, we still have a lot to figure out, but I really believe that we can make a living here and strive to enjoy the process along the way. 
  • Miss my kids and grandchildren a lot.  Skype is a great technology, but does not replace in-person hugs or conversations.  Seeing them 3 or 4 times a year is a must.   
  • CONCLUSION:  I really, really like it here.  Would not be willing to commit to anything forever, but for now, I am extremely content with our decision to make Panama our new home.  
ANSWER:  Charlie Brown's sister, Sally, said this in Charlie Brown Christmas (1965)

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