Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Christmas Movie Question:  

How is your wife? I have been extra good this year, so I have a long list of presents that I want.    Please note the size and color of each item and send AS MANY as possible!" This is a line from which holiday classic?

Geoffrey Tamarin Monkeys
I am a major romantic at heart, so I have to set the stage describing where I am now writing this blog. You know that the U.S.took over the building of the Panama Canal during the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt.  It was finished in 1914 and the first U.S. steamer made it's way from the Atlantic to the Pacific via the canal on August 15th of that year.  The U.S.  managed the canal until the end of the 20th century, 1999 to be exact. At that time,  it was handed back to the Panamanian people.  

The B&B we are staying is remodeled military housing from the 1940's/50's era - La Estancia in Cerro Ancon.  The housing looks like something out of Casa Blanca and this must have been a pretty sweet posting back then.  Mind you, there was no air conditioning, so it was hot, but according to what I've read there was a lot of golf, BBQ's and socializing among the Americans - good schools too.  Not so romantic for the Panamanians who were not living in the same style, but need to add that it was for many reasons - not just the U.S. presence.  

Today, it is very hot and steamy in Panama City and pouring tropical buckets full of rain.  Right off our balcony are Geoffrey Tamarin monkeys gorging themselves on bananas - the pouring rain did not deter them in the least.  Two of them are pictured above.  Colorful birds of every variety as well.  Not a bird watcher, so have nothing intelligent to say beyond that.  

Central Park, Boquete Panama
We arrived in Panama on September 18th and will be flying home for Christmas day after tomorrow on December 19th.  The first 3 months flew by.  Just a few weeks after arriving, we arrived in Boquete in Chiriqui Province with absolutely no idea that we would want to make that our home.  We have been there ever since.  As we were driving to Panama City today, I was considering how I feel about Panama now after our first three months.

  • Love the community of Boquete.  It is really a community with lots of shops, grocery stores, restaurants, churches, clubs and activities.  It is one of the most picturesque places I have ever lived.  It is unspoiled, safe and sweet.
  • The local people are kind and welcoming. I have learned a lot of Spanish and have Panamanian neighbors who spend time talking with me and laughing together as I try to speak Spanish and they try to speak English.  Learning new things every day and it is so much fun. 
  • Admire the Panamanians.  They live life at a much slower pace, which can drive you NUTS if you let it, but if you have the expectation that it is going to take a while, you can enjoy it.  EVENTUALLY, it all gets done and I definitely get the impression that no one worries about their job after office hours are over!!!
  • My stress level has gone down significantly.  Mind you, we still have a lot to figure out, but I really believe that we can make a living here and strive to enjoy the process along the way. 
  • Miss my kids and grandchildren a lot.  Skype is a great technology, but does not replace in-person hugs or conversations.  Seeing them 3 or 4 times a year is a must.   
  • CONCLUSION:  I really, really like it here.  Would not be willing to commit to anything forever, but for now, I am extremely content with our decision to make Panama our new home.  
ANSWER:  Charlie Brown's sister, Sally, said this in Charlie Brown Christmas (1965)

Thursday, December 6, 2012


See the bananas growing from the flower?


  • Think and plan ahead
  • Get your assets liquid
  • Live well, but simply
  • Read, research and be well-informed
  • Consciously enjoy life and those around you - LAUGH!

Spent the afternoon today with an entrepreneur - creative, very intelligent, informed and fiercely independent!  Our visit lasted almost 3 hours and most of the time, we just listened.  The reason for our visit was to tour his hydroponics farm - they grow several different kinds of lettuce, tomatoes, herbs, but the majority of the time we discussed how important it is to be personally responsible and prepared to take care of yourself and your family.  If there was a major emergency in your world, how would you have clean water, food to eat and how would you respond to medical needs.  If the government is shut down for a while and the grocery store shelves go bare - what to do?  No doom and gloom here, but a major reality check.  Survival course sort of.


It is a closed water system, so very water-efficient.  They use all natural methods to fend off critters that like to eat produce. Primarily they use other plants and neem oil.  Sunflowers, for instance, are a natural deterrent for white flies.  He also gave us quite a lecture on GMO's - genetically modified foods and the hazards he thinks they pose to human health.  I'll have to look into that one.

The Girls

Neem oil is a vegetable oil pressed from the fruits and seeds of the neem.  It's an evergreen tree which is grown in the tropics, including Panama, but hails originally from the Indian subcontinent.  Although in researching, found that it has many uses and can be taken orally by humans, supposed to have an extremely nasty taste!

Neem oil has many different uses and benefits...
  • A natural insect repellent
  • A safe pesticide
  • A fertilizer
  • A skin care ingredient
  • A contraceptive
  • A medicine with hundreds of different uses...
Farmers here are still allowed to use insecticides that were banned long ago in the U.S. so I have been on the hunt for veggies grown without said chemicals.  

Our host also grows his own bananas, oranges and has a chicken coop full of beautiful, noisy layers.  
Hydroponic Lettuce

BANANAS:  FOOD AND FODDER:  Though the banana plant very much resembles a palm tree, it's actually considered a perennial herb. Who knew?  

  • It dies back after each fruiting and produces new growth for the next generation of fruit. The old foliage is removed and makes excellent fodder :  for chickens - they love it!  
  • The fruit grows all over Boquete - a little smaller than the bananas you'll see at the market in the U.S. and SOOOOOO sweet.  
  • No wonder, when they're ripe they contain 66% Sucrose, 14% Fructose and 20% Glucose - yup, almost all sugar.  
  • They are harvested while they're still green because apparently, the ripening process doesn't begin in earnest till they're harvested. 


Speaking of sweets - the Stevia Plant
This was the first time, I'd tasted Stevia.  I've seen it in the grocery store - think it comes as a liquid, but the leaves straight from the plant taste very sweet.  Not a chemical, can use just like sugar.  I'll have to try this one.  Again, sugar is something I'd really like to have be a minor part of my diet.  Coffee and red wine - GOOD FOR YOU!  Fat (excluding olive oil of course) and Sugar - BAD FOR YOU.

CHICKENS:  At the end of our time together, our host gave us a tour of his beautiful chickens.  They are very fond of banana leaves and him!  They are all layers and usually are good producers for several years before they take a long ride to become something else.....

I can attest that while they are at his farm, they have a healthy, free and happy life.

TOOKIE:  Our host has a pet toucan that he raised from a chick.  Favorite past time was flying within inches of my ears.  So fun to see him close up.  Crazy creature and so colorful.  


Friday, November 30, 2012


I know, I know..."Stand Up Straight!"

Dining Al Fresco
The bread making class was held in the most adorable little cottage.  It was open plan kitchen / dining/ living room (with fireplace) and had great LIGHTING!!  I note this because poor lighting is so......common in Panama.  Can never see what you're doing.  Our instructor is a gringo and a cook - so he has lights everywhere - a man after my own heart.  Charming local Panamanian art all around; cookbooks everywhere and lots of interesting, friendly wanna-be bakers like myself - a great recipe for a fun day!

Turns out that Boquete has an almost perfect climate for bread making - always about 75 degrees (room temperature) so no fuss about making the ingredients warmer or cooler.


Traditionally, Panamanian baking is rice and corn-based, not grain-based like the U.S.  For this reason, good flour is harder to come by.  Artisan bakers, both Panamanian and Gringo, are beginning to spring up and creating a demand for good flour products though and several have excellent bakeries in the Boquete area much to the delight of carb-lovers like me.  We made challah bread and rosca bread with candied fruits (which are ridiculously inexpensive here).  Had fun experimenting with different braids and shapes - only limit is your imagination here.


The bread baking was followed by a lovely lunch including a composed salad with home made dressings.  Recipe for the French Tomato Dressing follows.  It was DELICIOUS and I highly recommend.  Sampled 3 different wines (all under $6) which were fabulous and ended with some excellent vanilla ice cream.  Left full, talked out and with two loaves of pretty good bread, if I do say so myself.  Class organizers did a great job with enough utensils for all, pretty take home Christmas apron and cake plate
I did it!  Yummy too.

Fabulous Panamanian baker and talented!

FRENCH TOMATO DRESSING:  Mix in blender.  Refrigerate when not using.

1 Can Tomato Soup
3/4 Cup Vegetable Oil
1/2 Cup Cider Vinegar
3/4 Cup Sugar
1 teaspoon Paprika
1/2 teaspoon Black Pepper
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1 1/4 teaspoons Prepared Mustard
1 1/2 teaspoons Worcestershire Sauce

Saturday, November 24, 2012


As with most things in Panama, you need to bring your patience and your sense of humor along.  After inquiring at Mail Boxes etc, it was going to cost a lot of moolah to send a cell phone back home to Colorado.  Heard from a friend that the local postal service has a version of "Priority Mail" and decided to give it a try - $15 versus $40 at Mailbox Etc.

First Visit to Post Office (El Correo)

Went to store and got wrapping pager and packing tape.
Wrapped, taped and addressed mobile phone and accessories to send to Colorado.
Took phone package, all wrapped up and taped to post office a week ago Friday. 
No tape allowed, told that package must be glued only.

Second Visit to Post Office 

Went to store and bought more wrapping paper and glue.
Wrapped and glued ...  a multi-step process with elmer like glue, one end/side at a time, and packaged items..
Very proud of ourserlves for completiing, took wrapped and glued package to post office today.
No good. Told that they have to inspect what is in the package, hmmm...they didn't mention this before and we didn't see the sign..  LOL
Ripped open glued package so they could visually inspect the contents.

Surprise - Well you never asked!!

They then produced a plastic shipping mailing envelope ... which wasn't produced a week before( we asked, but maybe they did not understand our version of Spanish??) and when they told us the package had to be glued, and inserted inspected items into plastic "EMS" mailing envelope.

Had to leave post office and go over to copy store and get a copy of my passport for the post office to keep.
Returned to the post office with copy of passport and gave it to the counter person.
Gracias Senor, that is "all" that was needed.  What, no copy of the videotape of my birth, no "shrubbery"??

I didn't dare ask how long it would take as the young woman who spoke English who helped me through the process was no longer there.
Wrote on package "broken phone - doesn't work in Panama" and claimed 0 value.
It is in the Panama postal system for delivery.

Good luck ever seeing that package.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Getting started living in Panama


Happy Thanksgiving to friends and family!  I am writing from Boquete, Panama and it is a beautiful, breezy day about 75-80 degrees.  Joe and I will be having a holiday lunch today with about 20 other expats in Los Molinos, the community we'll be living in as of January.  Don't know if it will include turkey, but I do know that there will be no cooking or cleaning up required, so I am all over it!!  Love to cook, but anyone who has done the T-Day feast knows that it is a labor of love and one of the best parts of the day is a quiet glass of wine on the couch after the last dish has been dried and put away.  Or maybe the turkey sandwich (with stuffing) at about 10 O'clock, yes?


Have been remiss on posting the past few weeks as the majority of our time has been spent doing the prep work for getting our permanent residency visas in process, setting up a bank account and most importantly, getting Joe a small motorcycle so he can tour the hillsides!

Panama has debuted several new visa options recently and the one we have applied for will give us permanent residency and option to apply for a permit to work in Panama, which we will want to do.  Primarily the new options are to attract skilled workers to Panama to provide a ready workforce for their burgeoning economy.  Secondly, to attract business investment and the creation of small businesses which, of course, will mean more jobs for Panamanians.  Besides your passports, you need an FBI report (Joe was wise and had this done before we traveled here), a local bank account, and lots of documents confirming that you are a person in good standing.  According to our lawyer, we should have our temporary residency cards before we travel home for Christmas.  This is especially good because without this card, you are required to leave the country every 6 months.


Here in Panama, you have to be introduced by a local of good standing to a bank manager to apply for a bank account.  Again, you have to have several local folks attest that you are a citizen in good standing, letters from previous banks saying that you are a good customer, FBI report etc just to APPLY!  Often this process from start to receiving your account number can be 4-6 months.  We are expecting to have our account up and operating next week - time from start to finish less than one months!! Thank you, Lord.


We spend a great deal of time networking and soaking up the information that so many kind and experienced expats are willing to share.  Once we are established, we will be certain to "pay it forward" and help the next newbies here.  There is SO much to know in order to make life easier, more fun and how to buy and live smart.  It takes a LOT of time, but has been invaluable.

We have been hiking three times a week with a hiking group.  Each hike is about two to three hours and you spend the time exercising while meeting new people - and it's free!  Networking is where you find out about the best place to buy or do this or that, real estate opps that are not listed, people who are looking for investment partners, home rentals and services, where to get a good haircut/manicure/teeth cleaning/dog grooming/grocery item etc.  Also, you meet folks almost everytime you eat out.  $4 for lunch and priceless amount of info - good idea.


We are spending a lot of time researching casitas - plans and how to build them.  We met with a family this week who are building with pressure-treated wood and greenboard.  Totally new for Panama, where almost all construction is from concrete block.  Superior product in every way and very cost-effective too.  These would make great long-term or short-term rentals / sales and you can even purchase some of these as kits - ready to assemble on your lot.  Great idea.

Most every expat we meet is here for a number of reasons, but almost without exception, the major reason is that they see the writing on the wall for the economy back home and are looking to diversify.  The economy here, which is multi-faceted, is booming with a growing middle class.


Even those who have very little according to US standards, and that's most people, have a lovely and friendly attitude.  Not uncommon for folks to stop what they're doing to assist you with directions or to try and understand and/or translate my terrible Spanish in a store.  Uncommon kindness is a lot more common here.


It has taken me these last 2 months to calm down.  I never thought I was a Type A, but maybe I became over the years as job and life just kept getting faster and faster - survive or drown right?  Like someone going to AA for the first time, I am admitting to possible Type A and perfectionist tendencies and am on the road to recovery!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!  We all have much to be thankful here and in the United States - still one of the best places on earth.  Special thanks to our military men and women who fight daily for our liberty, may we always protect, appreciate and defend it.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Cooking in Panama

Butternut Squash soup last night, Pasta Fagioli tonight for dinner.  Yea, yea, I know - doesn't sound very Panamanian, but I am planning chicken enchiladas tomorrow night!  It has been a pleasure and a challenge to cook in Panama so far.  The fruits are excellent, they have a bumper crop of carrots, bell peppers, squash, and fresh ginger but some things are surprisingly hard to get - spinach, cilantro, basil, decent beef - just to name a few.  Fortunately, all incredibly inexpensive I might add.  We are so....spoiled in the U.S. where, no matter the time of year, we have most any vegetable you can imagine available to us.  Our proximity to the second largest city in Panama, David (pronounced Da-veed), only about 30 minutes away really helps.  They have 3 large supermarket chains there and if you shop all 3, you can usually get what you need or a good alternative.  Patience is not one of my original spiritual gifts, but I believe that I am growing in this area!!    Also, not always easy to get the spices you want so you have to be creative.    


Went in to a little local grocery called the Food Box (how cute) yesterday and they had some really unique items I had not seen in the grocery stores. Being as this was a small, neighborhood (7/11-type) place, I was surprised and started a conversation with the lady at the checkout.  She is a Muslim woman married to a Jew (check that out) and was one of the happiest souls I have had the pleasure of meeting here.  Anyway, her sister lives in Saudi Arabia and frequently travels back and forth to Boquete.  She gives her a list of customer requests for specialty items / spices, etc and she brings back a few each time she returns for a visit.
Long story short,  if you are enterprising and willing to shop a bit, you can get almost everything you need.  I think I forgot to mention, but fish here is fresh, inexpensive and fabulous!!    
Corvina (Sea Bass) and Dorado (Mahi-Mahi) are readily available and excellent.  About $6/pound.


It must have been a trial before the internet, but no need to carry recipe books anymore.  I have all my favorite recipes and chefs available to me 24/7.  Need a recipe from Giada for Pasta Fagioli?  No problem.  Forgot the ingredients for pina colada mix - it's all right there.  Need a recipe for taco seasoning which I can't find here? Truely, you have your whole food library right on the internet.
Boquete has a number of informational sites where folks can flog their products.  As the holidays are approaching, there are expats who have formed a catering / take-home business where you can purchase any number of fabulous appetizers, dinners, etc.  Fabulous cakes and pastries (really, really good).  You can pick them up or a delivery guy will whiz them over to you for a couple bucks.  Have not used that yet, but would be great to supplement a dinner party with a fancy appetizer or an impressive dessert.

Our current condo is fairly well-equipped and I'm enjoying cooking here.  The knives are dull - working on where to get them sharpened.  Unfortunately, the door on my oven is falling off, so can't use till it is repaired.  As this could take weeks, I'm majoring on what you can cook on the stovetop or toaster oven.  We visited a gorgeous housing development this week - would love to build there - and spent a lovely couple of hours visiting with the developer and his wife.  They are Expats as well.  Anyway, I told him I'd love to have a really nice kitchen and good appliances, but if those expensive appliances need repair, what do you do?  He sheepishly said that you have to take the appliance TO the repairman!  Yup, load it up in the pickup and haul it to the city.  I'm sure that over time, there will be repairmen who can do this, but not yet!  LOL.  We have seen some really lovely areas here for potential home sites and are going to view a bank-owned home today.  I think our best plan would be to purchase a lot where we could build several casitas that we can rent out, a main house for us and perhaps a plunge pool in between.  That would give us some passive income.  Also weighing the pros and cons of living in a gated community.  Although they provide more security (haven't really heard of a big crime problem, but a few) you have to deal with HOA's.  Have lots of real estate to see today, followed by Happy Hour at 5 down the street.  Hasta Pronto!

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Boquete Baru - Lunch and dinner favorite!


Turns out that eating and networking in Panama are one in the same.  As we eat our way through all the local Boquete restaurants, bar and grills, buffets, bakeries and ice cream shops we find new acquaintances with a brains-trust of know-how on all things Panamanian.  One caveat - we have found that conversations prior to Happy Hour yield better advice!

Thanks to these mealtime meetings, we have:

Boquete Square just out front of Central Park.

Central Park - go there for breakfast.  Good coffee and hojaldres - fried dough!

  • secured for ourselves a lovely rental condo and are working on a "pet-friendly" home for our return in January with our two pups, Sammy and Polly
  • got the skinny on where to buy the best meats, fish and vegetables
  • joined Price Smart (Panama Costco and worth it!)
  • gotten some direction on things we can do to earn some money here - some interesting developments
  • found out that there are MANY micro-climates here - so when looking for land/homes be sure to visit them several times.  Temperature, wind and rain can vary substantially within just a few miles.
  • come to know where you can "potentially" receive your license plate from Panama City which you've been waiting for for quite a while, but still have not received!!! (see earlier blog on buying a car in Panama) - more on that later.....
  • discovered that Boquete is just like any "small town".  Everyone knows everyone, so be careful what you say (or write on your blog)!! Make sure it's true and meant kindly.
  • enjoyed laughing with locals while we try to communicate together.  Laughter can transcend geography, age and culture - who doesn't like to have fun!!!  You have to be willing to humble yourself and be silly sometimes.
  • discovered that there are still many people who are generous of spirit, kindhearted and give of their time, talents and energy for nothing more than a sincere thank you.
  • worshiped with the family of God in several Boquete congregations.  Thankfully, the family is here as well and we have received a warm welcome everywhere.
This is Finca "I can't remember the name!" LOL



We spend part of everyday driving a new road through the mountainside.  Searching for rental homes, investment opportunities, etc.  Yesterday, we found Boquete Plantation which was gorgeous and this sweet boutique hotel was just next door.  The owners of the property, which is still a working coffee finca (farm) are originally from Norway and the architecture reflects that.  Each lovely unit includes a small front porch with your own wood-burning fireplace.  Only about 10 minutes from downtown Boquete.  The final two pictures are reflective of what we see all around us here - farmland and livestock.  The condo we're living in right now is right on the main drag heading into Boquete, but still very rural.  I was up early this morning reading my bible - the sun was just starting to rise, but I had a hard time concentrating with all the racket!  The dogs were barking, the roosters were crowing and the cows were mooing!!!  Pretty funny.....
This area produces most of the vegetables for the whole country!

"Norman" - just off my deck!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Most all the animals have the run of the place!

When we were raising our kids in the 1980's and 90's, the world became a scary place for kids AND their parents.  We spent hours training our kids not to speak to strangers.  Playing outside with friends was all but replaced with organized sports and arranged playdates.  You didn't walk home from school, or play in the woods unless you were within view.  The freedom that we enjoyed as kids in the 50's and 60's is alive and well in Panama.  A friend of mine sent me a longer list of things we COULD DO when we were kids.  Here's just an excerpt.

"We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps
And then ride them down the hill, only to find out
we forgot the brakes. After running into the bushes
a few times, we learned to solve the problem."
You know, crashing into the pushes CAN be instructive. I would have to confess to possibly being a bit too protective of my kids.  Some lessons are best learned through experience and if we wrap them in cotton wool, well, it maybe is stealing some vital experiences they need to grow, learn and create!!

As kids we slurped out of water hoses, played with mercury, rode helmet-less on our bikes, etc.  Sure, there's lots to be said for some of the advancements over the years, but something - freedom- and some of the joy and wonder of childhood has been lost.

Here in Boquete, the kids have the freedom our kids lack these days.  They are playing ball in the streets, walking to the store with their little sister in tow to get bread for dinner, stopping to chat with older neighbors and playing, playing, playing OUTSIDE.  No video games in sight.

Without getting too heavy here, it has just struck me that this is still a community.  Folks looks out for each other, know each other, watch each others kids, cows and chickens and stop what they're doing to chat.  It's a breath of fresh air......

Tuesday, October 9, 2012



I don't see Almirante, the port where you pick up the water taxi out to the islands, on this map, but I think it's on the finger of the mainland that sticks out toward Boca Torito.  Almirante is on the mainland and is a major shipping port for Chicquita.


On our next trip to Bocas del Toro, want to visit Red Frog Beach (again) and also the Restaurant at Coral Cay on the other end of this island.  Apparently the restaurant is a series of thatched huts with great, simple seafood-based Panamanian food.  The huts hover over beautiful coral reefs and sea life is visible from your table.  Don't arrive hungry as it apparently takes several hours for your order to arrive and this island is CASH ONLY.

Also, read on Frommers that the beaches on Zapatillas Cays are breath taking.  Long, white sand and clear, aquamarine colored water.  Nothing really there, so bring your own drinks, snacks, etc.

Back in Boquete today and will start looking for a rental home in earnest.  Found a fabulous hostel, as nice as a hotel really, for $33/night.  Still deciding whether I'm going to give out the name -  maybe better to keep it my little secret.  BEAUTIFUL grounds right on the river, full kitchen, lovely bathroom and deck right near the gurgling river.  Sweet.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Hotel Olas is on Isla Colon in Bocas Town in the Province of Bocas del Toro. This is one of six islands which make up the  archipelago of Bocas.  Bocas Town is probably the most developed, but still has a slow-paced caribbean feel and lovely traditional architecture.  According to a local historian we had the pleasure of meeting today, Bocas del Torro was the first province established in Panama.  It was a 2 1/2 hour drive through the mountains from Boquete - road was very windy, but mostly new and interesting scenery the entire way.  Suggest starting early in the day, stop midway for late breakfast or lunch.    Almirante is where you will park your car and pick up the water taxi to Isla Colon.  You will NOT want to stay in Almirante!!  Enjoyed this little hotel.  Think there are other choices for about the same rate.  This was recommended to us, so tried it this trip.  Although they claim to include breakfast, it is really coffee, juice and a very small muffin.  If your appetite is larger, you'll want to eat breakfast out.  AC and kinda hot water in the shower.                                                             
Deck right on the water, nice! 

Last night we had dinner at Raw Sushi, which more than lived up to its rating on Trip Advisor.  It was a splurge on the budget (almost $40 for lots of sushi, wine and cerveza) but well worth it.  Had a table on the pier, which was very romantic, BUT made it difficult to see your food!! Bocas Bambu was a great choice for pasta and tasty, inexpensive fish.  Happy hour crowd there was very HAPPY  - kinda loud, but fun!  This is where the younger crowd comes to play and accordingly, you can find almost any adventure you can think of here.  Have not found anything worth writing about for breakfast.  

Having morning coffee which is great here in Panama.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ocean / Mountains / Ocean

Beach Time:  October is the start of the two rainiest months of rainy season here.  Here in Boquete, the clouds descend very close to the ground, dump their load and then retreat again.  Very dramatic looking.  One of the many benefits of locating in Boquete (about 4,000 feet) would be that we could live in Springtime-like climate and travel to the beach when we want some hot weather and beach time.  The beach to the Pacific side is about 1 hour 15 minutes.  We traveled to a lovely beach there yesterday, Las Olas.  Great waves - toured a lovely resort there.  For $10 per person/day, you can use all their facilities and their lovely beach.  Restaurants, pool, gym, changing room and groomed beach - lovely. 

Clouds hanging over Boquete

Bocas Del Torros:
Plan to head to Bocas Del Torro tomorrow which is the opposite coast on the Caribbean side.  From conversations with locals, it will take us about 2.5 hours.  Have heard it's not as developed over there, but beautiful.  If the beaches and water are anything like we've seen in Belize, Cancun, etc. that should be pretty nice.  Sounds like the younger set particularly likes it there.  Lots of activities, so we'll check it out.
More Information from Locals:
Found a great little cafe near the park downtown frequented by locals and lots of expats, so we've gone the past two mornings to gather info on the area.  Talked to a man from Houston yesterday who told us about a huge Sunday morning, English-speaking service, Southern Baptist style, so we'll have to check it out when we come back.  Very impressed that the gringos have organized all kinds of community-service projects to benefit the needy in the area, especially some of the Indian population, many of whom are not well educated and are subsistence farmers - living from hand to mouth and no more. Everyone and I mean everyone we've met has just raved about the place and said they would never leave.

Restaurants:  many to choose from with lots of Comida Tipico (rice and beans mainly) but if you're in the mood for pizza, fish tacos, fine dining, it's all here too.  Much, much less expensive.
Real Estate and Rental Homes:
We went back to Valle Escondido, one of the nicer housing developments, but not for us, I don't think.  Don't mean to be unkind, but really did not get a very good feeling,  Even our guide mentioned that there were a lot of malcontents there.  Not celebrating this new and interesting culture, but trying to make a little America here and feeling frustrated.  Not for us.

Clubhouse at Valle Escondido
As a wise friend mentioned recently, " no place is perfect, trust me!"  Well, Valle Escondido looks perfect, but I did not get a good "vibe" as they say.  Felt dark and not very cheerful.  The folks who love it here are adventurous, appreciate the differences and love life!!

If we decided to take a short term (3-month) rental here, we'll look around some more.  I don't think we want to be surrounded by just gringos.

Back to Business:  Fortunately, doing business from Panama is easy with Skype, Magic Jack, E-mail and Bank bill Pay.  Today, we're spending some time taking care of business and I will be doing some research on the different Visa Options here - want to have the option to start a business and/or work for someone already established if we want to as well.  With all the great internet options, you can deal with someone in the states just as if you were next door!

Watched the whole debate last night, will catch the Thursday night NFL game tonight and with my trusty Kindle, the world is my oyster, stacked with an endless library.  Currently reading a great book by Marilyn Meberg, who was one of the speakers at this year's Women of Faith Weekend, entitled Choosing The Amusing - highly recommend for insight and a lot of laughs.  Have a great day!

Monday, October 1, 2012

I like BIG BOWS and I cannot lie!
I like BIG BOWS too.  I just need a larger head!
Playing with Drop Box so thought I'd share some photos we took recently in Grand Lake.  Two BEAUTIFUL baby girls and our grown children.  Such a fun weekend.
Photo at top is Stephen, Tahnee and baby Samantha - 8 months old.  To the left is Sarah and Hannah (2 weeks old).  Had a great photo which included Dad, Chris, but currently it is lost in cyberspace somewhere.

Been in Colorado too long?

Mi Familia

I like BIG BOWS and I cannot lie!
I like BIG BOWS too.  I just need a larger head!
Playing with Drop Box so thought I'd share a photo we took recently in Grand Lake.  Two BEAUTIFUL baby girls and our grown children.  Such a fun weekend.
Photo at top is Stephen, Tahnee and baby Samantha - 8 months old.  To the left is Sarah and Hannah (2 weeks old).  Had a great photo which included Dad, Chris, but currently it is lost in cyberspace somewhere!

Been in Colorado too long?

Church Service in Boquette

Quick note that you are never alone when you are part of God's family.  Went to English-speaking church service last night at a small mission church here.  Maybe about 10 gringos in attendance along with as many local indian folks - I'll have to look up the spelling of the name of the tribe, but prounced Noblee.  The folks who were doing the music had lived in Littleton, CO and their kids had attended - you guessed it - Foothills Bible Church.  They love Paster Bill.  I know this is old, but it is such a small world.

Although our service was about 20 in total, the morning service (in Spanish) must have been packed.  This mission has 3 or 4 school buses that go out on Sunday morning and collect the young people (and their families) I guess for morning worship service.  Saw them in town and they were packed!  According to the pastor, they had 300 folks at the morning service.  Praise God!!  Love it!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Gardens and Grocery Shopping in Boquete

Today is Domingo (Sunday) in Boquete and that means church and family day.  Many shops are closed, but as we wandered around downtown Boquete, the shops that were humming with activity included the barbershop (seems to be haircut day for Dads and sons) and the grocery store.  Joe and I dropped into Romero, the bigger grocery store in town, in search of a tasty, inexpensive lunch.  We left Romano having spent $24.48 USD.  Here's what we got:  A large tube of sunscreen, two foot-long freshly made Italian sandwiches, three garden salads topped with chicken salad (for dinner later), 2 cans of diet pepsi, a can opener, small jar of mayonnaise, 2 bananas and a bottle of Chilean Chardonnay, Frontera brand!!!  Sweet!  YES, ALL THAT for only $24.48!

Every road we have wandered onto has been a treat.  Lush and beautiful is such an understatement here.  The many shades of green, flowers, textures, grasses are too many to mention.  Joe read that there are more types of plants in Panama than in Europe and North America combined.  Roads are excellent for the most part and wind up the hillsides where the views are fantastic.  Once you get a bit of elevation, you can see Volcan Baru (currently inactive) and the Pacific Ocean.  The flowers you see here are mostly from one property, "Mi jardin es su jardin" but even the trees here bloom flowers.

Have already seen lots of homes and neighborhoods where we could see ourselves living.  One gated community looks a LOT like The Shire in the Hobbitt. Has golf course, hotel and pool amenities - going to see a home tomorrow just to see the finishes, etc.

Tonight we're going to a local church that has an English-speaking service on Sunday nights.  Will let you know next post on that.

Staying at Hotel Ladera here for the next 7 nights - negotiated a rate of $60 per night.  Nice with all the amenities and walking distance to town.  AC is very uncommon here as it is known as the City of the Eternal Springtime.  However, we would want AC just to keep things dried out.  Very comfortable, but still moist.

October is the height of the wet season and I can attest that it can rain very hard here.  It poured violently yesterday from about !:45pm to 3:30pm while we were having a late lunch outdoors but underroof and it was awesome! You had to yell to each other across the table while eating with all the noise. The dorado (mahi maki) was excellent and the onion rings were on par with the best I have had anywhere (meaty and homemade). Working hard on our Spanish and may take a free lesson one day this week.  Joe and I are both doing the online Spanish site, Duolingo.com which Joseph put us onto.  It's excellent and fun!  Also, since the beach is only about an hour's drive, think we will commute to the beach one day. The new roads are under construction, but it's going to be a breeze to go from here to the beach for a day (or two) and return home same day if desired.  Roads will be two lane each way.  Don't even think it would be a problem to haul a boat along.  Later!
What a privilege to see more of what God has created.  I am a huge history fan and appreciate what a blessing (and how blessed) the United States of America has been to me, my family and many people around the world.  God has certainly blessed the USA, but my point is that it's easy to forget that He created the World and we in the US are just a small part.  He created and loves us all - all around the world.  Hope you are all having a great day!  Hasta Luego, mis amigos.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Bought a car in Panama-yikes!

We have confirmed that everything takes WAY.......longer than you'd think.  On the upside, we met loads of great, friendly people with valuable info along the way, but heads up - be prepared to wait to wait some more!!

Sourcing a car:  We ran into a taxi driver / tour guide who had friends with a used car lot.  We'd already seen several cars that we found through other sources, but not happy with them, we decided to have a look at the used car lot our friend suggested.  He came along to translate.  We did find a car we liked and put down a deposit

Next Steps to ownership:  You will need inspection, title, license plate and insurance.

After almost one week of working this process, we are ready to blow Panama City and head to David.  Note on Panama City folks - they walk slowly, but do not be fooled.  When you put them behind a wheel, they turn into speed demons.  Posted signs and street lights mean NOTHING!  Expect anything and you will be somewhat prepared.

Love Panama City.  Some very beautiful areas, especially Casco Viejo, the old city and many malls and restaurants.  Suggestion:  drive to Panama City and park your car.  Take taxis around town - will save you lots of TIME and you will arrive much calmer.  Taxis are cheap and plentiful.  We have some great suggestions for inexpensive, nice, clean hotels to stay in too!